Here is my and Karolina's pixilation film.
It was shot in our hometown - Banská Bystrica.
We could've never done it without the help of people who voluntarily played dead in public spaces in the middle of winter...thanks for dying for us!
Some things are not exactly as we wanted them, but we've done the best we could and overall we're happy with the final result. We've had 2 weeks to shoot the whole thing, most scenes had to be done during daylight and not everyone had time when we needed them so scheduling was a nightmare. The scenes with dead people were a bit awkward because there were people all around looking at us like we were crazy (who can blame them, though) and it was freezing so everyone just wanted to get it over with.
I could say that next time we'd try to plan ahead more, but there are things you just can't weather...and people not coming when they promised to...
It was definitely easier to make the animatic than to make this, but it was a good experience and we've learned that sometimes the best solutions are the stupid ones (if it works it's not stupid).
(Mostly) just for fun, here are the frames from animatic compared to how they ended up looking:

I think that all things considered, we've done a good job.
It wasn't easy, but it was a lot of fun...

Not gonna lie, I loved playing with the heart and fake blood (I loved having to wear just a t-shirt a lot less).
Me with my dad...
...Me with my dead dad...
fun fact: a lot of people thought they were drunk (my cousin shouting "look, drunk grandma!" didn't help)
..and it took us forever to set up the camera properly so they had to lie there for about 15 minutes (we're so sorry)
literally the only scene during which we weren't freezing.
(and our highly professional set-up)
on the other hand, walking down
the square was the scene where
we were freezing the most (big thank you to the people who kept pointing out that we must be freezing...we would've never realised without your help)
this was actually the best way to get rid of our height difference (and I only fell once) (don't mourn the books, it's Twilight)
What better way to spend the day before Christmas than to have a bunch of people playing dead on the main square while you and your friend stand there in gas masks.
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