Week 1

We were supposed to create a 5-6 frame storyboard about our arrival at university based on  3 words. 
My words were: hopeful, stressful and excitement. 
I feel like the story may not depict these emotions clearly enough, but I think it definitely shows some kind of mix of positive and negative emotions. The 4. and 5. picture are supposed to be the stressful part, showing a messy kitchen and a lot of paperwork I had to deal with in the beginning. I hope to get better at communicating the right message and choosing the right images to do so. 

Week 1 - Metamorphosis

Our first task was to create a transition between two letters. I worked with Karolina and I feel like this would've been easier if our names didn't begin with the same letter. But it's interesting how different our aproaches were even though we were both working on K-K transition.
I wanted to litterally morph one head into the other, which was made harder by the drawings not fitting perfectly. So I've tried to do it kind of mitosis style, only the head didn't split into two, it just...moved. Some of the middle frames were very weird and kind of creepy but in the end I've acheved what I wanted. The most difficult part was definitely making the camera and pencil appear out of the K though.

Week 1 - Portrait speed drawing

When I came to the class for the first time I didn't really know what to expect. Portraits are so far out of my comfort zone I rarely even attempt them, but I actually enjoyed the exercise. Though at first I was a bit stressed because I was worried my drawings wouldn't be good enough, the blind drawings were the breaking point after which I was mostly trying to have fun with what I was doing instead of trying to make everything look perfect.
Emily, 20min, pencil
Charlie, 10min, pencil

Charlie, 5min, pencil
Charlie, 2,5min, charcoal

                                                       Kayleigh, 5min, blind drawing

Jess, 3min, blind drawing
Jess, 15min, semi-blind drawing

Jess, continouos line, pen

Jess, both hands
Megan, 15min, right handed
Alex, 20min, pencil

Week 1 - Phobia cut-out

In the first class we each picked a paper with phobia on it and then we had to make a paper cut-out depicting the phobia. I got Wiccaphobia which is a fear of witches and witchcraft. I've decided to make a witch towering over a bubbling cauldron and a cat sitting on her back. I've never done a paper cut-out before and I'm not very good with scissors and knives, especially when it comes to being accurate but this actually turned out pretty good.