Week 6 - Life drawing - tonal drawings

We've started this lesson with 5 quick drawings, then we did two 5min drawings which we were supposed to create using only/mostly tones, not lines. After that we focused on tonal drawings. I think the works from this lesson are amongst the worst of my works. They are not all horrible, but they are not exceptionally good either.

 This one was supposed to only use black and white, no midtones (at least that's how I understood it). This one is a disaster. It doesn't fit proportionally...at all.
 This one is a bit better I think. I've tried to exaggerate the shadows and lights even more than in the last drawing. I kind of like how contrasting it looks. 
 This one was done with hard pastels and it's a complete fail. It's all just scribbled, I didn't really know how to work with them so shading is just not happening. The proportions are all wrong, I don't even know what is the worst part. It looks like I was on three kinds of drugs, definitely not my best work.
This one is a bit better but I could've chosen more contrasting colours because now the difference between light and dark is almost lost.
 I'm not very satisfied with this one either. I should've started with darker shadows so I wouldn't have had to go back to them so many times. The proportions could've been worse considering that I couldn't erase the sketch, but I wouldn't consider it a very good drawing/painting. 

Pixilation beat board

For the pixilation project I will be working with Karolina. We have already agreed on a story and this should be our beat board. It shows the key moments in our story, the theme of which will be an apocalypse.
 The first 8 frames are the beginning, they show the preparations (order may change later on). The following 6 frames are the middle. There are less frames than in the beginning, but the scenes will last longer so it should all be in balance. The last two frames are the end - where everybody's dead. 
We plan on shooting the whole thing in our hometown during the christmas break as we know the locations there better

1,4-me, 2,3-Karolina

Week 5 Homework - subtractive tone self portrait

This week our homework was to make 5 subtractive tone self portraits - 3 portraits and 2 whole body drawings. 
As advised, I've tried playing with some facial expressions and got some very creepy results. 

 For the first drawing I've hung the light above me and went for rather neutral expression. I like the overall look of it, but I can also see that the eyes are uneven and a little too big, the nose is too narrow and the shadows around the eyes are too sharp. 
 Here I've had the light on my knees which made everything so much more difficult because it was moving constantly and changing the shadows. Also smiling like this for around 30 minutes is not easy either. I like this less than the first one, I feel like I could've done a much better job. It's not very proportional, one cheek is higher than the other, eyes are too big again and it all looks kind of poorly done.
 My favourite part here is probably the mouth, though it is not placed correctly. My left eye is too low I think and at a wrong angle. I honestly hope I don't really look like this.
 These two were a bit of a problem since I don't have a big mirror, but I've figured out how to make it work. This first one is me sitting on my bedside table. The hardest part was drawing my left hand because it kept moving as I was drawing with it and so the shadows and negative spaces were always changing. I think this is maybe better than the portraits because I wasn't focusing on so many details. 
This one has a lot more anatomical errors than the previous one in my opinion. Again, drawing my left arm was very difficult. But I think the shadow on my right leg turned out quite good. 

I have some mixed feelings about this exercise. On one hand, these were actually a lot of fun to draw, on the other hand, the results are not all that good. I'm still not used to this way of drawing. My favourite ones are the first portrait and the sitting one. I definitely still have a lot of room for improvement.