Week 5 - Leaf

This week we had to animate a leaf blowing in the wind. I've started my animation with the leaf on the ground because I thought it would be interesting to see it just kind of shuffle on the ground before being picked up by wind. I've coloured one side of the leaf so it's clear that it's turning and twisting because otherwise it might go unnoticed as the leaf moves pretty fast.
Here are some sketches I've made for the trajectory and movement of the leaf.

I've tried to focus on timing and make the leaf speed up/slow down at the right moments. The slowest parts are at the tops of the loops, after those the leaf picks up speed and it almost stops at two points (It was supposed to boil for longer but it looked kind of like the animation got stuck so I've decided shorter boil is better than wrong looking boil).
This was fun even though sometimes I didn't really  know how to twist the leaf the way I want to. I can't say I'm not happy with how this turned out, but I'm sure I could've done better.

Week 5 - Life drawing - subtractive tone

This week we focused on light and shadow. We covered the paper in charcoal and then erased the lightest areas, added the darkest areas, ... I've never done a tonal drawing this way so this was new and challenging for me. I feel like these were definitely some of my weaker works.
 The first obvious problem here is the composition. The figure doesn't fit on the paper and the proportions are all wrong too. I guess I've ignored accuracy while trying to focus on getting the light right. I'm also aware that I wasn't really drawing the figure as a whole which was probably the main reason for the disproportionality. 

 While working on this I felt like it was going pretty well but now I'm not so sure. The shadows could've been darker and there are almost no midtones, making it look flat. 
This was the last, 20min drawing. Aside from the rushed background I think it turned out ok. Still a lot of things to improve, but at least the proportions are better than in the first one. 

Week 4 Homework - The Accountant

This week for homework we had to design a set with the title "The accountant". I knew right away I didn't want to do just a normal office. I've considered several ideas and settled on the hell's accountant office which contrasts Karolina's heaven's accountant. 
I wanted the office to look more luxurious rather than just dark and scary because if someone has golden floor in their office it's definitely demons. 
I really enjoyed this homework, it was fun coming up with a set and even though I'm sure I could  add a lot more details if I spent more time on it I'm quite happy with how it turned out. 

wall candle holders
 the accountant's hellhound

Week 4 Homework - Hands

For this homework we were supposed to draw five hands holding different objects. Hands have always been a nightmare for me, I can never get them quite right, so I was a bit scared of this task. The end results do resemble hands though, so I guess it wasn't as much of a disaster as I'd expected.

I've started with a pencil drawing because this is the medium I'm most confident with. 
For my next drawing I chose a knife and used charcoal because I feel like charcoal can create very dramatic effect which went well with the chosen object. This is probably my favourite drawing from this homework. 
This wasn't the best choice of medium, as the sketchbook doesn't have watercolour paper and I couldn't get as much shading done as I would've liked. It was also pretty challenging working with watercolour while holding sunglasses in my hand. 
Looking back at this, I could've done a better job shading this one. 
 Coloured pencils
On this one I've worked with Karolina, to whom the other hand belongs. We thought it might be interesting for the held object to be another hand. This was a very challenging drawing and took me about twice as much time as the other drawings. I'm aware that there are some anatomical mistakes and some parts look really off, but at least I've managed to finish it. 

Week 4 Homework - washing line

This week we talked about cycles in animation and for homework we were supposed to create a cycle of a washing line. I wanted to make it more dynamic so I've tried to make the wind seem quite strong. I like the way the clothes go up but not so much how they return to the first frame. I think maybe if I had added 1-2 more frames where the clothes would swing the other way it would've looked better. I've also tried to make the line itself swing a bit in the wind but the movement is too small to be noticable.
I chose the pose to pose aproach because I knew where I wanted the clothes to end up. I drew the first and the last frame, then one in the middle and added frames inbetween those.