Assesment 1 - Animatic

This is my and Karolina's animatic for our pixilation film. (It doesn' have a title yet but we're working on it) 

The film is about the apocalypse but told from the perspective of those who cause it, the people who die in the film are just objects that get in the way. 
With the soundtrack we were going for something creepy, dissonant, and weird. We've decided to gradually add different sounds like scratching, white noise and a heartbeat to create the right atmosphere for the film. 

Final Brief - Animatic

This is my and Karolina's animatic. We've decided to make our animation a biť longer than required. We are aware that some parts aren't timed as well as they could be and we plan on fixing that. Considering the length of the video, there probably should be more frames, but I think as a first draft it's not too bad. 

We've tried to rework the animatic. It's still not the best work we've done but it's a bit better.

Week 9 - Location drawing - Worcester museum

This week we went to draw at the Worcester museum and I was expecting there would be more stuff so I was a bit disappointed but I've managed to find some things I liked.

The first drawing is an object symbolising the phrase 'man-made'. I chose the glove making cabinet because it had both the made objects and the tools to make them so I thought it fit well. It turned out messier and less detailed than I hoped, though, so I did a second drawing of just the sewing machine. Maybe if I hadn't used charcoal it would be easier to have control over the details. 
 For the 3 man-made objects I picked things connected with war. I chose not to draw the "ornament" on the helmet and tried to focus on the reflections instead. Not really happy with this one, it looks kind of deformed. 

For the one object symbolising nature I drew this fossil. I've decided to use coloured pencils for all my nature drawings while all the man-made drawings are in black and white.

 I wanted to get a kind of sense of hierarchy so the owl is on the top with the stout underneath, but I couldn' find anything that would fit in the bottom so I drew the leaves from the bird exhibit. I don't work with coloured pencils often so I'm not very confident with them, but I enjoyed working with them.

 I did the last interior/exterior drawing on a piece of brown paper and I don't like it at all. When I was drawing it the perspective looked a lot better. I have honestly no idea how I could've thought this looked okay.

There weren't many people to draw and those who were there were moving way too much for more than just quick sketches.

I know I erase a lot so I wanted to try something I can't erase and did these bottles in ballpoint pen.